Cable Innovations 2023
Cable Innovations power inserters /cable line surge suppresors (clps series) incorporate solid state Sidactor technology, superior grounding and heat sinking to create the toughest power inserter ever built. Cable innovations patented design and 30 years of expertise provide your system with increased reliability, fewer truck rolls and fewer subscriber complaints.

Cable Line Surge Suppression

CLPS-6009PI Directional Power Stop Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] CLPS-6009PI Directional Power Stop Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] CLPS-1809PI PowerInserter/Cable Line  Surge Suppressor [Click Here] CLPS-1809PI PowerInserter/Cable Line  Surge Suppressor [Click Here]
CLPS-8009PI Directional Power Stop without interupting power Surge Trigger 220 Volts Min. Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] CLPS-8009PI Directional Power Stop without interupting power Surge Trigger 220 Volts Min. Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] CLPS-5009PI Surge Trigger 220 Volts Min Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] REPLACMENT for CLPS-3009PI CLPS-5009PI Surge Trigger 220 Volts Min Power Inserter/Surge Suppressor [Click Here] REPLACMENT for CLPS-3009PI